Ruff Tales Rescue is a foster-based dog rescue organization. They are dedicated to saving the lives of abandoned dogs and redirecting them to stable, loving environments that serve as their forever home or the bridge to their forever home. Their rescue is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is entirely volunteer-run. Since our founding in 2014, we have rescued over 2,400 dogs.
Ruff Tales is in need of martingale collars and dog food
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Delivery for donations is always FREE. At check out enter Ruff Tales Rescue 119 Drum Hill Rd UNIT 247, Chelmsford, MA 01824 for shipping destination, and choose 'DONATION DELIVERY - Specify Shelter Organization' for shipping method. We will let them know the donation is from you....feel free to write a note in the Comments section at check out too! Make your donation go a little further by using code RUFFTALES20, to save 20% on your donation.