
What’s your pup’s personality?  Next to their name, a collar is what says the most about your dog, so when choosing a collar, start there. Leather collars are classic and enduring, Ribbon collars are vibrant and graphic, Rope & Rugged collars are tough and outdoorsy.  

Tip: Collars can get kind of swampy if the same one is worn every day. Freshen it up once in while by popping it into a sock, knotting the top, and washing it in the washing machine (hang dry).  If it's particularly smelly, soak the collar in a bowl of warm water with a couple of teaspoons of cider vinegar and baking soda, rinse and hang dry. For leather collars, remove surface debris, rub in some saddle soap with a damp clean cloth and let it dry. Have a spare collar to use meantime, and swap tags quickly and easily using a detachable ID clasp.

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